A community Dedicated to
Empowering Change in Higher Education
What we offer
Tailored faculty development
Faculty-centered development tailored to the needs of your students, faculty, and institutional context.
1:1 & Small group Coaching
The ideal choice if you want support and accountability that is tailored to you or your team’s goals.
Inclusive educational design
Support for your team as they implement change and innovate higher education.
who we are
Drs. Meagan Kendall and Alexandra Coso Strong are engineers and designers by training, receiving doctorates in mechanical engineering and aerospace engineering respectively. During their graduate work, they began translating their research into the field of engineering education (from thinking about the design of classroom experiences to examining how engineers and scientists practice their work in the field). Over the last decade, they have been engaging as engineering educators, engineering education researchers, and faculty developers, with each of these efforts seeking to support and transform student experiences in engineering and higher education in general. As examples, both Drs. Kendall and Coso Strong have co-led the development of new degree programs at Hispanic-Serving Institutions and designed courses that integrate knowledge from multiple disciplines (e.g., science, design, engineering, education).